Monday, 3 October 2016

Juno Filming and Editing task

This is our story board for our Juno task. its has all the setting we need and all the times for each clip.

~ Milk carton
~ Red jumper
~ Converse
~ Guitar 

~ Dorset Avenue
~ Tescos/Dominos
~ Duffield road

(add story Boards)

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Editing Practise- Dancing Animals

This is my practise editing task.


In class we learnt about Mainstream vs Independent film.

~ Makes you think
~ Makes you ask questions
~ Associated with critical success

~ Makes you laugh
~ Makes you cry
~ Associated with commercial success

Audiences and Access
~ Mass audiences consume primarily 'mainstream' film because there isn't a lot of independent films around.
~ Entertaining, mainstream films make money


Big/Small budget:

Film pitch and evaluation

Film Pitch:

For our Film presentation we got a lot of feedback to consider to make our next presentation better. Most people said that our title of our film was short, simple and snappy, this is good for a film because when you talk about it you don't want it to be long and having to keep saying the long title because it will just waste time. Everyone said our characters were interesting and they all had different personalities so they all work great as a team. However the budget was quite small considering we had quite big stars in the film. Many people said it keeps the audience asking questions and they are thinking throughout and have relevant influence. Most people said that our narrative was suitable for our target audience and would attract customers this was because it was well thought out. Although some people thought it was hard to follow as there was a lot of writing and it could have had more of a business side to it as it was for middle aged professionals. We asked the class whether they thought the film was different from other thriller films they came back with mixed thoughts. Some people said yes because it was an interesting storyline and others said no because there was nothing new added to separate it from other thriller films. Most of our class said we had good ideas for marketing like posters, trailer and TV ads but others said there wasn't any good marketing ideas. Everyone in our class said that they would buy our film which we were very happy about.
To improve next time we wont use as much detail because we found out that people switch off and  we want them to buy our film. We also need to talk about the money and cost of the film in more detail t make sure people know how much it will cost to make and produce.